The Weekly Encourager - January 14, 2012 - Always Hope

While arranging flowers this afternoon, I decided to throw out remnants of the Christmas arrangements: some large rose leaves that had been spray-painted gold.  Some of the leaves had shriveled, and others were losing gold paint.  All of a sudden, I noticed that a whole new section was sprouting out next to one of the leaves!  Boy, was I surprised.  These painted leaves have been sitting around in vases for weeks with no special attention paid to prolonging their life.  For the last week, they haven't even been in the light.  My basic belief is that once you paint a plant, it's on its way out the door anyway, so why bother?  But here is a new shoot, pale green, with five or six furled leaves ready to open if given the slightest encouragment.  This cast-off branch could bear a rose!

You know what I'm going to say next.  What a portrait of my life in Christ!  The sin of a person covers his whole life like spray paint, reaching into every corner and crevice, yet Jesus washes it all clean.   While we were yet dead in trespass and sin, He sought us out to bring us new life.   I decided to keep this little branch as a reminder of salvation.

Another thought comes to mind:  Even though I am saved, I'm not in Heaven yet.  Sometimes I feel so polluted by the evil, sickness, and sorrow of this world all around me (and even within me), that I can't escape feeling like I'm coated with grime, just as those branches were coated with paint.  Yet, as long as I am still in the vase, with my roots nourished by the water of life, I can have the hope of new shoots, new leaves, and even new flowers!  It's amazing to me how the Lord continues to work from within, despite all outward appearances to the contrary.

Dave & I recently watched the whole "Lord of the Rings" trilogy (extended version) again, and I found it particularly encouraging.  Against all odds, Frodo made it!  One of my favorite scenes is just before the battle for Helm's Deep, when Aragorn says to a young lad who has never been in battle, "There is always hope."  This is our story and our song.  Because of Christ, no matter how difficult the path, or how impossible the goal, we have One who is with us every step of the way.  "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."  Through Christ, there is always hope.  In darkness, there is light.  In death, life.  Praise be to God!

God is faithful,


Copyright 2012 Janet A. Marney