The Weekly Encourager – May 23, 2017 – Who is Watching You?

Who is watching you as you live day by day? Your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers? Since I set up a health web page to keep folks updated on my cancer journey, I've been increasingly aware that I'm putting myself out there to all the world.

I know I am taking a risk by clearly stating my faith in Jesus Christ on a public web site, but the Lord has made me more bold to share His truth in recent years. I don't know how this happened, but I have gained more confidence in the Lord. I have been struck by His command to share the gospel with boldness, not shrinking back in fear. This is a real challenge for me, having experienced persecution in my early days as a Christian teen. Even after leaving home, I was pretty gun shy about sharing my faith with unbelievers. I've always sought the approval of other people, especially those in authority.

Fear of man has been giving way to faith bit by bit as I come to know the Lord's love for me in deeper ways. I believe in His absolute acceptance of me, no matter what. To believe otherwise is to doubt the efficacy of the Cross of Christ. Others' approval of me has become less important as I get older (although their disapproval still hurts). God has been gracious to provide wonderful friends who do accept me. Christ is the solid Rock on which I stand, and the Christian community surrounds me with love.

We are to be ready in season and out to give an answer for our hope to anyone who may ask. “In season” is when you know you will be called upon to speak about the Lord, so you have plenty of time to prepare; “out of season” is when the unexpected happens to you, and there's no time to prepare. Someone dies, you lose your job, you're in an accident, you find out you have cancer. Life happens. All the sudden, you have to cope with catastrophe. Who is watching you?

I can tell you who's watching me: everyone! My husband and sons, my father and stepfather and their wives, my aunts, uncles, and cousins, neighbors, business contacts, longtime friends, Facebook friends, and acquaintances I just met last month. I want to be encouraging to believers and thought-provoking to people who do not yet know Jesus Christ. I have cancer: will anyone see my good works and glorify God in heaven because of this?

Who else is watching me? “The eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for His lovingkindness.” - Psalm 33:18 “The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.” - Psalm 34:15 “The eyes of the Lord search the earth for the blameless, so that He can show His great power in helping them.” - 2 Chronicles 16:9 My loving Father sees everything, so I want to do well to please Him. He tests me to see if I will gladly run to Him in every difficulty, to see if I will trust in Him alone. How grateful I am that His power is made perfect in my weakness! I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. I enjoy supernatural peace that only the Lord can give.

Will you join with me in praying for the lost souls who are reading my health journal? May the Lord shine through my joy!

God is faithful,

If you wish to follow my cancer journey, I invite you to visit:
Site Link: Site Name: janetamarney 
CaringBridge is the most widely used social network for family and friends to give and receive strength during a health journey.