The Weekly Encourager - July 28, 2010 - Faith with Action

Apologies to those who read my blog regularly, for I haven't written in a while.  I've been caught up with a challenging situation, and perhaps in the back of my mind I was thinking I would get safely through this before I wrote again.  Suddenly today I realize that potentially more people would be encouraged if they heard what was happening as it happens.

Without getting "blogged" down in all the details, let me just say that I am embroiled in two lawsuits connected with our rental property.  My tenant is suing me for the rent she has already paid, and I am suing my tenant for eviction.  The first trial is only a few days away (August 6).

Yesterday someone said that I was remarkably calm given the level of stress in the circumstances.  She was surprised that I was dealing with it so well.  I was surprised that she thought so, but then I saw that she was right, in a sense.  It is by God's gracious work in my life that I am able to put this very worrisome case into perspective.  My natural personality would be prone to obsessive anxiety, especially given the emotional issues involved, the unpredictability of the outcomes, the financial strain, and the possible consequence of having a Judgment entered against me for all the world to see.  Yet, "I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in me will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."  Philippians 1:6

When this lady asked, "What's helping you cope with all this?"  here's what popped out of my mouth:

1.  Faith in God, knowing that He's in control. 
I am a Christian and I believe that God is sovereign over all that happens.  I am trusting that He is with me and will work good through it, just as He has in many other trials in my life.   I try to spend a little time in His word each day.

2.  Action, doing my best to solve the problem. 
My watchword is faith with action.  I trust in God, but I don't just sit around waiting for things to happen I am called to work diligently by any lawful means for a good outcome, knowing that even if I lose both court cases, ultimately God will judge fairly. 

Note: As I trust in Him, I see His hand.  In God's timing, our sermon on Sunday was about presenting one's case truthfully and being willing to listen to both sides, and I could give many other examples of God's leading over the past several weeks.  He has been so good!

3.  Support of family and friends.  God has blessed me with husband, children, and kind friends who have been a wonderful source of support.  One example: Dave and I were at a party given by the 20-somethings (our kids' friends) last Friday night.  My intent was to forget about the court cases and just enjoy the evening with the young people; but, instead of the usual self-absorption of Generation Whatever people these days, almost every person there came up to me and asked how things were going in court!  What a beautiful sign of God's grace in their lives and mine.

Note: It's hard to get support if you don't ask for prayer.  Here's an excerpt from an email I sent out, requesting prayer:

"During all my dealings with her [the tenant], I have been very aware that I am a witness for Christ, and thus I want to act in a gracious way, not returning insult for insult or becoming drawn into her emotional web, but sticking to the facts.  Please pray that I can remain calm and kind when dealing with her, and thus show the love of Christ.  Pray that I will have wisdom and discernment in selecting a lawyer and making other legal and financial decisions related to this situation.  Pray that I will lean totally on the Lord, not on myself.  Pray that I will have the trust in Him which leads to peace, no matter what the outward circumstances.  Pray that I will get adequate sleep."   It really helps to know that people are praying, and it's even better to see the answers!

4. Taking care of myself.  This is something that seems obvious but is so hard to put into practice.   I continue to make efforts to exercise, eat wisely, get enough sleep and have times for fun.  By God's providence, our recent family vacation involved a whole lot of walking, and that jump-started my exercise program when we returned!

These four points, Faith, Action, Support, and Taking care, can be summed up by the letters FAST.  Indeed it may be that "this kind" of tenant "will only come out by prayer and fasting!" :-) 

If God is faithful in my life, He can be faithful in yours, too.  Cope FAST.
May you know His grace and peace today.

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

Pastor Dave Coffin's sermon "Both Sides, Now" of July 25, 2010, was based on Proverbs 18:2, 13, 17; however, there were audio problems that day and the sermon was not recorded.  I would be glad to send my notes to any who are interested.