The Weekly Encourager – January 7, 2021 – Choose Love

I have so much to say about the horrible happenings in our Nation’s Capital on Wednesday. While I collect my thoughts, please read this story posted by my friend Donna Daigle about her sister Holly and their opposing views. The same applies equally to me and my brother, who is not a Christian and often on the opposite side of issues. Yet we choose to maintain our connection out of love and family.

Donna writes:
“My sister and I are on different sides of the political aisle this time around. And still we talk every day. We appreciate each other's perspectives even if we see things differently. We both campaigned for our respective sides as we could and yet we love each other. We honor each other. We do not loot each other's houses or businesses. We build each other up every chance we get! 

“And here's the thing, we do not have the same parents. I was adopted by her biological parents. I was a full family member my whole life, even though some relatives perceived/treated me as "other". 

“We have learned throughout our lives to cherish our diversity, embrace our differences as greater strength – together. 

“We have chosen to stay in conversation, in relationship, and keep working on understanding each other's viewpoint and examine the logical outcomes from believing as we do. No one sees perfectly so we have each other's back.

“This is what being an American family is supposed to be all about.

“Words created this world we now see and words will create the one to come. Choose your words wisely!”

Donna’s later comment:
“Yes I have been blessed with a wonderful sister AND the point is that we CHOSE to put relationship before politics, Love before religion, faith, or hope. We intentionally set aside our personal thoughts and opinions to listen to each other, to try and understand each other's point of view. We ask questions and listen to the answers. We try and follow our views to their ultimate expression and that often changes our understanding of each other, of the circumstance, of the moment.

“These are choices we can each make in every relationship every day.

“We have a special relationship because we CHOOSE to have it.”

Here let me add some of God’s words:

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God." - James 1:20

“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.” - James 3:17

We need to remember God’s words as we relate to people with opposite viewpoints. Seek Shalom and pursue it.

God is faithful,