The Quilted Heart Encourager – A Poignant Week

This is a poignant week. As I contemplate Christ’s journey to the cross and what it cost Him, I seek to apply that to my own life. My uncle died last Monday, and I want to offer some support to my aunt and cousins, so I fly out Wednesday morning (tomorrow). I have to admit that at first I was reluctant, due to the high cost of last-minute airfare and rental car. Also, I was loathe to renege on volunteer duties already scheduled for this week. Most of all, I didn’t want to miss our church’s beautiful Maundy Thursday service, a rich time of communion, quiet reflection, and songs of praise. Why did they have to schedule my uncle’s memorial during the week before Easter?! What bad timing!

Last year another elderly man we knew passed away on Easter Sunday. What a triumph for a man who had lived his long life faithfully for Christ! What a perfect time to go! Although we miss our friend, we rejoiced that he rose to meet the Lord on the day of resurrection celebration. By contrast, my uncle was not a Christian, so there won’t be any rejoicing. There won’t be a church service. Instead, on Thursday evening, the immediate family will scatter his ashes in a river, and then we will all go out to dinner and share remembrances.

How touching that this memorial will take place on Maundy Thursday, the night when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples before sharing the Passover meal with them, foreshadowing the ultimate sacrifice that He would undertake. What is the message of Maundy Thursday? There is much to be gained from a study of that time, but what’s salient to me this week is service. Jesus, the King of Creation, took up a cloth to wash sinners’ feet. Shortly thereafter, He would give His body and His blood to save people like me from our sin. The least I can do is go and be present and weep with my aunt.

This man Jesus had so much sorrow for the lost! Do we share the same sorrow? He came not to be served, but to serve. Do we share that same desire to serve? Our church small group has been reading a book by Pastor John Piper, in which he exhorts Christians to have a “passion” for Christ, an earnest zeal for serving Him generously in every area of our lives. Pastor Ryan Laughlin, in his Palm Sunday sermon, spoke of Mary’s great outpouring of perfume onto Jesus’ body, anointing Him for service. The woman who poured this costly nard was “wasteful for Jesus,” giving generously as an act of true worship. Jesus poured out His life for us; do we pour out our lives for Him?

I have a feeling that this Maundy Thursday will be more significant for me because the Lord, in His perfect timing, has given me an opportunity to serve. I am praying that I may be a blessing to those gathered in sorrow. I know I’m already a good hugger, but I’m also asking the Lord to give me gracious speech, one of my greatest weaknesses. May the Holy Spirit show me when to speak and when to be silent. They are lost without Christ! May I share His love generously, bringing glory to Him.

What about you? Is Jesus calling you to serve in some way this week? Serve generously, as unto the Lord.

God is faithful,