The Weekly Encourager - December 28, 2010 - The Miracle Carol

The Miracle Carol
by JoAnne Wagner

Shepherds! Awake! Fear not! Rejoice!
Cherubim and Seraphim in single voice!
Tidings of joy, sweet Infant of Light!
Miracle of miracles this Christmas night!
Let Glorias ring in exultant joy!
Gift to men in Bethlehem the Savior boy!
Hosannas sing in triumphant verse!
Joyous news! Holy birth!
Jesus, the Lord, has come to earth!

Zion arise! Gaze on His face!
Child of love, the author or astounding grace!
Triumph of hope!  The Savior is born!
Miracle of miracles this Christmas morn!
Let Glorias ring!  Prince of Jesse's line!
Hearts uplift the perfect gift of Love Divine.
Hosannas sing! And proclaim the Word!
Joyous news! Holy birth!
Jesus, the Lord, has come to earth!

Wise men, behold, sweeping the skies,
Star of wonder, safe there under Jesus lies.
Luminous faith, O beckoning ray!
Miracle of miracles this Christmas day!
Let Glorias ring!  Praise His holy will!
Word made flesh, the promise kept in Christ fulfilled!
Hosannas sing, while His Word confirms
Joyous news! Holy birth!
Jesus, the Lord, has come to earth!
He has come to earth!

This holiday season, I was fortunate to be able to sing this new carol written by JoAnne Wagner, an alto singer in the Fairfax Choral Society.  She said one of her life goals was to write a Christmas carol that could be sung.  What a worthy goal!  In addition to being performed by FCS, her carol has already been recorded twice.  (Please do not copy without her permission.)

Merry Christmas!  May God bless you all with joy and peace in the coming year!
